How Do You Match Up?

Too many people these days are openly comparing everyone they know to someone else. What makes it even more amazing is they do so in such a way that they are a complete contrast to what they are. Take for instance a man who is exceedingly successful and constantly moving up in the world compared to someone who has a long list of failings from their job life to their personal and family life. That is an extreme contrast. It is like comparing black to white. Black stands out against white because it is such an extreme contrast. People who are nice are a major contrast from those who are big b*tches, and trust me, Nice Nancy is more fun than Betty The B*tch. 


Whether we like it or not, we’re always comparing people in drastic contrasts no matter if we realize it. Be it comparing other people we find less desirable to our significant other, or cola to sprite. It is a negative thing for people to do, but it is apart of our being. Same with judging books by their cover. Difference is, some actually take the time to not be a complete jerk and get to know the people before allowing their judgement to completely distort who the person is in their eyes.

3 thoughts on “How Do You Match Up?

  1. “some actually take the time to not be a complete jerk and get to know the people before allowing their judgement to completely distort who the person is in their eyes.” EXCELLENT point!

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