Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was nominated for this award by my beloved bestie in bloggery, Suze. Of course, as is to be expected, as this crazy cookie is nominating me for all kinds of awards! Constantly. Love the wild woman but gosh she gets so many awards, it’s a wonder I ever get any that she isn’t nominated for first! I originally intended to do this post a couple weeks ago, but then Suze had to make her blog vanish into thin air, so I couldn’t. Dang you Suze! Thankfully, Suze is back and I can finally thank her for her bloggery nomination thingies! First one for now is the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Never heard of it before, but thanks for the award Suze! LOVE YOU! 



These are the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award’s rules :

Thank the blogger who nominated you
Answer the questions they posted to you on your blog
Include the award logo in the post
Nominate 10 more women bloggers (since it’s a “sisterhood”)
Ask 10 questions of your nominees 


Well, I already thanked Suze… I think… If not, THANK YOU SUZE! The questions are down below, and the logo is above some writing somewhere. I’m totally anti-nominating people lately because I’m in a tad of a dry spell, so you can kiss my bum. I don’t even know if I know ten female bloggers.


Suze told me to just use the questions she was asked, so here are the questions.

Where is your all-time favourite destination? 
Home. I’ve not been home in quite some time though. For me, Oregon is home. Where some of my best memories are.
Which post are you most proud of?
Oh gosh… Uh… It’s a three-way tie, to be honest. I really felt passionate and proud of 3 posts I’ve written to date. They’re on the topics of Racism, Immigration, and Feminism.
Who would you invite to your dream dinner party, alive or dead?
My mom, Suze, the Geekette, Angie, I might be nice enough to invite their husbands. Then there are the other crazy ladies I’ve fallen in love with over the years like Viv, Patricia, Caidy, and my oldest and longest standing friend, Gabby. I’d rather be surrounded by people I appreciate that I feel would appreciate me.
Do you have a favourite vacation country or city?
Not really, but then I’ve only ever been on vacation once and it was for a day. Cincinnati Ohio.
What’s your favourite and least favourite thing about blogging?
I love having a place to put my thoughts out there, where it will forever remain. The only thing I dislike is that sometimes it is hard to organize my thoughts into a coherent post, so I don’t write anything because I don’t know what topic to write about. My brain is sort of a giant jumble, thoughts going every which way. I need a idea or thought to centralize my focus on in order to write.
Is there anything you like to do any time you visit somewhere new?
I love finding the coffee shops. I’m a giant fan of coffee, especially artsy old fashioned coffee shops that don’t really pander to the technological age of “technology is everywhere.”
Where is somewhere you’ve been or something you did that you didn’t expect much of, but ended up loving?
When I first started trying to read, I had a lot of difficulties. So much that it got to the point where I figured if I ever managed to learn to read, I would hate it. As it turns out, learning to read was exactly what I needed, it helped me find new worlds to explore.
What’s your pet peeve?
Stupid people. I really can not stand stupid people. Ignorance is fine, it can be corrected. Stupidity however is unforgivable.
What’s your most treasured possession?
My most treasured possession is a little wooden box I made back in highschool, woodshop class. It holds all my little momentoes, including photos I had done of my son’s first christmas. It also has his crib card and birth certificate and my copy of his SS card. 


Since I’m not nominating anyone, feel free to accept this award if you’d like to have it on your blog. Have at it, and use the same questions I answered because I’m too numb to think of questions to ask. Have a lovely day!

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